What is shot peening?
Rebecca Yu
2018-01-22 10:55:38
Shot Peening is different with Shot Blasting, which is a surface finishing technique that involves rapidly impacting the surface of an object with a controlled stream of abrasive material. Shot peening is a process to prevent fatigue failures that originate on the surface of the part and induce compressive stresses, primarily used to increase fatigue life by bombarding the surface of the parts with uniform small steel balls , the process is similar to repeatedly and evenly hammering a surface with a ball peen hammer, so that the small indentations or dimples form on the surface and the metal immediately below those indentations tries to resist further compression, creating what's known as residual compressive stress, the fatigue cracks generally would not initiate in a compressively stressed area, so the part's life is extended.
Connecting rods as a key part to connect the piston and crankshaft, it plays a highly important role in a performance engine, which requires the rods can handle extreme engine loads , so steel performance rods are often shot peened to relieve internal stresses that may lead to cracking or corrosion for improved fatigue life and high durability and high strength.
As a quality rods manufacturer in racing industries, all the Hurricane connecting rods are shot peened fully with steel balls at factory to improve fatigue life to enhance strength , and also help to make the rods be more beautiful and smooth .
Connecting rods as a key part to connect the piston and crankshaft, it plays a highly important role in a performance engine, which requires the rods can handle extreme engine loads , so steel performance rods are often shot peened to relieve internal stresses that may lead to cracking or corrosion for improved fatigue life and high durability and high strength.
As a quality rods manufacturer in racing industries, all the Hurricane connecting rods are shot peened fully with steel balls at factory to improve fatigue life to enhance strength , and also help to make the rods be more beautiful and smooth .
Hurricane Shot Peened I-beam Connecting Rods