Hurricane Connecting Rod Repeatability Improved
Rebecca Yu
2017-03-27 13:28:18
As we know , connecting rod is one of most important components in automotive engine. As a racing connecting rod manufacturer and race cars enthusiasts, we fully understand the strength, reliability and repeatability is how important for a performance conrod , especially to the high horsepower race engine . So we pay much attention on techniques improvement to aim at producing more stronger con rods . With the improvement of technology, we tested and measured one set of newest connecting rods repeatability in January 16, 2017. After installed and dismantled the rods and caps for seaveral times , we are happy to see that our connecting rods repeatability improved from 0.02mm ( before) to 0.01mm, even sometimes the repeatability data show to 0.008mm , that’s great .

We can’t wait to share this good news and show the test data with you as below , and we are very looking forward to viewing the new repeatabilty data next time.