Hurricane will close on Apr 29 to May 1st of 2018 during International Worker's Day .
Rebecca Yu
2018-04-27 18:08:34
The International Worker's Day, also called Worker’s Day or Labor Day, is a holiday which celebrates the working classes. It is usually celebrated on the 1st of May every year in most countries , but it is different in USA , which often celebrate it on the first Monday in September.
The origins of the International Worker's Day
At the end of the 18th century, The united states and many countries in Europe gradually evolved from capitalism to imperialism , In order to develop economic rapidly, capitalists constantly resorted to measures to increase labor time and labor intensity to Workers. The Workers had to work more than 12 to 16 hours even in unsafe Situations, due to the long working time and bad working surroundings, many Workers became Injured, ill and had many types of problems to them.
In 1877, the first national strike of United States occurred , at that time ,The Workers went to the streets for demonstrations, proposed labor and living conditions improved , demanded shorter working hours and implemented an eight-hour work system. After the lots of efforts made by the workers and socialists, eight-hours was declared as the legal time for the workers in the national convention at Chicago in 1884 by the American Federation of Labor. But some capitalists ignored it, In the 1st of May of 1886 , the Workers began their demonstrations for eight-hour day again in Chicago, In the 3rd of May of 1886 , workers were striking for their rights and the polices were performing their duty to handle the people, someone thrown a Bomb on the Crowd and then the polices started firing on the Crowd, finally , 4 people and 7 polices were killed, this big event called Haymarket affair (Haymarket Massacre).
In 1889, the first congress of the Second International, meeting in Paris for the centennial of the French Revolution and the Exposition Universelle (1889), following an initiative from the American Federation of Labor, called for international demonstrations on the 1890 anniversary of the Chicago protests. In 1891, May Day was officially recognized by the International’s second congress to be celebrated as an annual event.
And now ,The International Labor Day is celebrated yearly as an official holiday in almost 80 countries of the world .
The Chinese people celebrate Labor Day can be traced back to 1918. In December 1949, The Government regarded May 1 as the official Labor Day . Since 2009, the Chinese People can enjoy 3 days work-off holidays during Labor Day. At that time , various celebration ceremonies or cultural and recreational activities are hold , and the labors who have made outstanding contributions on work will be recommended and rewarded.
Happy Labor Day !
The origins of the International Worker's Day
At the end of the 18th century, The united states and many countries in Europe gradually evolved from capitalism to imperialism , In order to develop economic rapidly, capitalists constantly resorted to measures to increase labor time and labor intensity to Workers. The Workers had to work more than 12 to 16 hours even in unsafe Situations, due to the long working time and bad working surroundings, many Workers became Injured, ill and had many types of problems to them.
In 1877, the first national strike of United States occurred , at that time ,The Workers went to the streets for demonstrations, proposed labor and living conditions improved , demanded shorter working hours and implemented an eight-hour work system. After the lots of efforts made by the workers and socialists, eight-hours was declared as the legal time for the workers in the national convention at Chicago in 1884 by the American Federation of Labor. But some capitalists ignored it, In the 1st of May of 1886 , the Workers began their demonstrations for eight-hour day again in Chicago, In the 3rd of May of 1886 , workers were striking for their rights and the polices were performing their duty to handle the people, someone thrown a Bomb on the Crowd and then the polices started firing on the Crowd, finally , 4 people and 7 polices were killed, this big event called Haymarket affair (Haymarket Massacre).
In 1889, the first congress of the Second International, meeting in Paris for the centennial of the French Revolution and the Exposition Universelle (1889), following an initiative from the American Federation of Labor, called for international demonstrations on the 1890 anniversary of the Chicago protests. In 1891, May Day was officially recognized by the International’s second congress to be celebrated as an annual event.
And now ,The International Labor Day is celebrated yearly as an official holiday in almost 80 countries of the world .
The Chinese people celebrate Labor Day can be traced back to 1918. In December 1949, The Government regarded May 1 as the official Labor Day . Since 2009, the Chinese People can enjoy 3 days work-off holidays during Labor Day. At that time , various celebration ceremonies or cultural and recreational activities are hold , and the labors who have made outstanding contributions on work will be recommended and rewarded.
Happy Labor Day !